Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


Life these days with jobs at least make more and more crime everywhere. they are hard to get the job done in various ways to fulfill his life in any way although have hurt some parties. some examples of crimes that harm the various parties namely, in the middle of the street mugging, hold-up on a quiet street, and is usually done by the crime group that makes them sometimes hard to get the proof because the goods in which they take to change hands with fast. As for not less they use a particular mode for example, sudden vomiting and the incidence is usually distract the victim in the person who threw it and the other is busy taking goods a target . now with hypnotic mode in this manner their principals to take the goods very easily and leaves the victim with a state of unconsciousness. As for crime is very disturbing especially for women of society, crime genital abnormalities in some men who usually acted in such public places, public transport and trains. with it's best to not only the air-conditioned trains are the women in separate carriages in economy class should also be separated because the crime usually target a woman. 

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